The Men’s Advisory Project offers services of support to any man who has faced or who is facing domestic abuse across all of Northern Ireland. We do this from first contact. Every person you speak to in MAP is a fully trained, specialist therapist – experience in supporting men just like you. We want every conversation to help you.
If you need support or space to make decisions we are here. If you need more intensive help we can happily arrange 1-2-1 or group counselling and therapeutic support. We help with benefits, housing applications, access to civil and criminal justice and with referrals to other organisations if you need their specialist support.
We are here to let you find your feet again and will work with you to support you every step of the way. Everything we provide is free – there will be no charge for it.
Please call our numbers listed below. Always leave a message, if you get the answer machine, we are on the phone helping someone else. Your message becomes a computerised file and joins the call list. Please let us know when it is safe to call or if you only wish to speak to a man.
BELFAST. (028) 9024 1929 FOYLE. (028) 7116 0001
If you’d rather email us on INFO@MAPNI.CO.UK and we will contact you back.
Twitter: @MensAdvisoryP