Men Who Talk (MWT) is a registered charity offering innovative support spaces for men across the UK. Founded in 2022 by Sam Davies, our vision is to achieve positive mental health for all men, through providing supportive, judgement free spaces that are easy to access. Our spaces are made by men, for men, using the best available evidence and feedback from those who use our services.
Each month, we host a number of free to attend regular online peer-to-peer support spaces, loosely themed around particular topics. As we continue to grow, we’re excited to develop our support offerings to help as many men strive towards being mentally healthy, and to recognise the importance of their wellbeing.
We also work closely with organisations, companies, and individuals, to champion the importance of men’s mental health and wellbeing. There’s no health without mental health, so why not come and join us, and together we can achieve positive mental health for all men!
Email: info@menwhotalk.org
Website: www.menwhotalk.org
Phone: 020 4501 8562
Twitter: @MenWho_Talk
Instagram: @Men_Who_Talk