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Winston Goode

Winston fell into a career working with children and young people when he was just a teenager himself. Inspired at a youth club led by one of London’s major charitable housing trusts, he quickly developed a deep passion for youth work. This resolve stuck with him for over 20 years during which he has worked with various educational establishments, youth services and youth justice organisations.  As a qualified practitioner in youth work and the criminal justice sector he provides specialist support to young people across London. His wish is to combine the knowledge and experience gained in these areas to develop young people’s future potential.

In addition to youth work in a range of contexts, he oversees his own registered charity Juvenis, whose vision is for a future where all young people have more than one chance to fulfil their potential.

Winston is also a Director for Brixton Soup Kitchen (a service for the homeless), Trustee for Block Workout Foundation (a street gym initiative which supports young people through free workouts and mentoring), Head of Partnerships for Spirit Of London Awards (SOLA), which showcases the achievements and community spirit of London’s young people.

In his spare time he sponsors a number of community events that specialize in supporting young people such as Rocking Ur Teens and the Black Youth Achievement Awards.

Twitter: @MistaGoode
