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John Adams

I am that rarest of beasts: a man that gave up his career to become the main carer for his children. I have two young daughters and since 2011, my wife has been the family’s breadwinner. When I gave up my career, I found myself immersed in a parenting world that was unjustifiably mum-centric. I faced a lot of latent, lazy sexism and this spurred me on to start blogging about my experiences in 2012 at Rather like a lot of mum bloggers, I have branched out to write about a host of lifestyle issues but positive fatherhood and men’s issues are at the core of what I do. has an audience of thousands and is ranked third on the Vuelio media database of top UK daddy blogs.

Women face a lot of issues that need addressing and men have a role to play in making society better for women and girls. There has, however, been a definite change. Slowly but surely, society is waking up to the fact men also face significant challenges: poor mental health provision, a depressingly high suicide rate, ever poorer educational attainment. I am delighted to do my small part to help men meet these challenges and help create a better society for all.

Twitter: @dadbloguk
