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Colour Blind Awareness

Colour Blind Awareness CIC is a non-profitmaking organisation founded in 2009 to provide advice and support to colour blind people and their families and to train and advise teachers, schools and businesses in how to become ‘colour blind compliant’.

Colour blindness is one of the world’s most common genetic condition affecting 320 million people (c.3m in UK). One in 12 men and 1 in 200 women inherit colour blindness yet it is an under-recognised and poorly understood condition.  In most instances it can be considered a Special Educational Need and a disability, yet few teachers or parents are aware of the impact it can have on learning.

One of the main aims of Colour Blind Awareness is to increase awareness of colour blindness in schools so that colour blind pupils can obtain the help and support they need. We are fighting to ensure equal access to GCSE and A Level exam papers and to educational resources such as textbooks and software.

In the commercial world we aim to raise awareness of colour blindness not only for the benefit of colour blind employees but also for the benefit of business themselves. Potentially 5% of a business’s customer base can be colour blind and ignoring the needs of colour blind people can impact upon a company’s bottom line. The predominantly male world of football has begun to recognise the impact of colour blindness on players, fans, sponsors and safety and our largest clients are currently UEFA, the FA and other European footballing organisations with whom we are working to ensure equal access to football for colour blind people.


Twitter: @colourblindorg


Facebook: Colour Blind Awareness

Twitter:  @colourblindorg