The Boys Development Project develops, designs and delivers programmes targeting children (but primarily boys) and their families, within schools, children’s centres and other community settings.
Our primary focus is educational achievement. We target those characteristics that can lead to underachievement (for boys and girls), and address these as children come into reception classes, and with parents before they arrive in school.
Two projects have driven our approach. The About Boys Course (ABC 0-5), is a 4-session programme, targeting parents who have sons. These are offered in Children’s Centres, where we have trained over 300 people to deliver courses throughout England.
The second (and our main focus now), is our Stand Out Boys Project that targets children in reception who struggle to settle into their learning. While there are several spin-off initiatives, these two projects continue to be our main offering.
Our website has information for professionals and parents (including downloadable booklets and fact sheets).
Address: Boys Development Project CIC, 270 Lordship Lane, London SE22 8LY