PRESS RELEASE 31.01.2017
Men and Boys Coalition publish briefing note to support
campaign for reform of sex and relationships education
The Men and Boys Coalition has today written to 21 leading Parliamentarians and provided them with a copy of the coalition briefing note: Reform of Sex and Relationships Education in UK Schools.
The Coalition believes boys and young men in the UK are being let down by the current quality of SRE in too many schools, leaving them unprepared for healthy and fulfilling sexual relationships and unnecessarily vulnerable to sexual abuse, exploitation and intimate violence.
The Coalition strongly supports calls for immediate reform of SRE and urges that the process of modernisation and development of a new syllabus should pay appropriate attention to the gender-specific educational and social needs of boys and young men, alongside appropriate concerns for the needs of young women and girls.
The briefing note on the topic was authored by Dr Ben Hine, University of West London and journalist Ally Fogg, with expert advice and revision from Lisa Hallgarten of the Sex Education Forum and Justin Hancock of BISH Training and the DO… SRE for Schools Collaboration.
The briefing note has been sent to party spokespersons on Education and Equalities, to every member of the Women and Equalities Select Committee and to a number of other Parliamentarians who have been actively involved in the campaign for reform of SRE.
The briefing note can be downloaded from here.
For more information please contact: / 07443 603140