MBC Trustee, Dr Mohammad Mazher Idriss, Senior Lecturer in Law, Manchester Metropolitan University, has submitted expert written evidence on male victims to the Women and Equalities Select Committee inquiry into so-called honour-based abuse.
“While women are predominantly the victims of HBA, there is growing evidence that men are also victims (Idriss, 2020; Idriss, 2021). The FMU in 2022 reported that 26% of its caseload related to male victims.
“Men are often the victims of patriarchal family structures and violence, and men are at greater risk of HBA and FM based on their sexual orientation (Idriss, 2020; Idriss, 2021). However, reporting rates continue to be very low for men, which can also have an impact on service provision and funding for male services. Male victims continue to be ‘invisible’ to society and this can hamper efforts to create nuanced and gender-responsive services, and impede understanding at a national, regional and local level, with an under-provision of resources. A parallel Violence Against Men and Boys Strategy/VAMB – parallel to the Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy/VAWG should be created to ensure that policymakers have a more modern, inclusive, equality-based view of victims of HBA and FM.”
To read the full submission please click here: