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Landmark gender-inclusive sexual abuse support strategy launched by NHS England

On Thursday, NHS England published its Strategic Direction for Sexual Assault and Abuse Services, ensuring that there is clear understanding between those that commission services and those that provide services, of the lifelong care needed for victims and survivors of sexual violence.

We are extremely proud that Duncan Craig, a Men and Boys Coalition trustee and CEO of member charity, Survivors Manchester, was one of a small group that helped develop the document, provided case studies and ‘sense checked’ it before publication.

Duncan said: “The document is important for a number of reasons but first and foremost for me, as both a provider of services for male victims/survivors’ and as a male survivor of childhood sexual abuse and rape myself, as it’s the first time I feel us males have been properly seen and acknowledged by the NHS in such an authentic way.”

Here at the Coalition we are extremely excited by this very positive example of how gender-inclusive documents should be — an example of an approach which caters for all victim-survivors.

The document is available online here: