The Home Office has published a revised position statement on male victims of crimes categorised as “Violence Against Women and Girls” crimes, which include offences such as domestic abuse, rape, forced marriage and stalking. The Men and Boys Coalition’s response is below.
For further details and background on our on-going campaign on this issue, please visit our campaign page here.
While welcoming some necessary, overdue revisions and improvements to the previous document, The Men and Boys Coalition is profoundly disappointed by the many shortcomings of the Home Office’s published document ‘Supporting male victims of crimes considered violence against women and girls.’
The document is a passive position statement, what is urgently needed is an active strategy to prevent intimate violence against men and boys while properly respecting and supporting victims and survivors. The continued framing of male victimisation as a subset of ‘violence against women and girls’ not least in this document’s title, reinforces and adds to the marginalization and minimization of the experiences of male victims of domestic, sexual and other intimate crimes and is considered to be grossly offensive and hurtful by most male victims.
Our full response is available to read and download here: