Seány O’ Kane, Specialist Practitioner for Fathers and Families / Helping vulnerable dads become better engaged fathers
Multi-award winning practitioner, public speaker and recognised figure within the field of fatherhood and families work in the UK. Seány’s research and literature has contributed to a growing interest in British empirical evidence focusing on the lives of young fathers.
With a career that crosses over from the media industry to Children and Young People’s services, Seány’s role in a youth-led production company enabled content to be created for young people, made by young people.
With an extensive background covering race relations and primary education with over 14 years of grassroots experience, he dedicates his time to achieving sustainable outcomes for young fathers and their families.
As the founding member of ‘Lambeth Dads’, he continues to create ground-breaking methods in father-inclusive practice that help to contribute to services excelling in father/family engagement.
Twitter: @SeanyKane (ThinkFathers)
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/seanyokane