My PhD (Keele University, Social Gerontology, 2015) examined the experiences of involuntarily childless older men. My previous careers include counsellor, deputy technical manager and scientific and technical photographer (31 years, The University of Manchester), kitchen assistant, and bar person. My training as a counsellor and own experience of ‘male broodiness’ (the desire for fatherhood) led me to research male involuntarily childless men for my Master of Arts in Counselling dissertation (The University of Manchester, 2008). I then self-funded a Master of Science in Research Methods (The University of Manchester, 2009) exploring the levels of desire for parenthood in childless men and women, parents and non-parents. I am a working class man, aged 58, who was born and raised in Old Trafford, Manchester, the 7th of 8 children.
Twitter: @RobinHadley1