06.06.2018, ‘Work stress raises risk of premature death in vulnerable men — study’, Ian Sample, Guardian
10.04.2018, ‘Prostate cancer: Four in 10 cases diagnosed late, charity says’, BBC
09.04.2018, ‘Theresa May launches £75m drive against prostate cancer’, Sarah Boseley, The Guardian
02.03.2018, ‘The prostate revolution: NHS launches a revolutionary ‘one-stop’ service which will slash diagnosis times’, Ben Spencer, Daily Mail
11.02.2018, ‘The HPV backlash: Leading throat cancer charity says it’ll sue NHS if it persists in refusal to offer boys as well as girls jab that can prevent killer virus’, David Rose, Mail on Sunday
Suicide and mental health
02.08.2019, “Councils secure £300,000 to help suicidal men in Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire”, staff reporter, StokeonTrentLive
09.03.2019, ‘”Our goal is to halve the male suicide rate”: why no-frills therapy works for men’, Sam Delaney, The Guardian
14.03.2018, ‘How can we save men from depression and halt the suicide epidemic? Here’s my six-point plan’, Martin Daubney, Telegraph Men
28.02.2018, How our gender biases lead us to ignore the mental health needs of young boys, Lucy Nichol, Metro
07.02.2019, ‘The gender gap: why are boys doing worse than girls in school?’, Damon Mohebbi and Jacob Awolaja, UCL Centre for Gender and Global Health
13.01.2019, ‘If we believe in true equality, we must help boys’, Martin Daubney, Daily Express
29.11.2018, ‘Boys ARE disadvantaged with education and mental health’, Natasha Devon MBE, tes
22.11.2019, ‘Men, Boys and Educational Attainment’, Mary Curnock Cook OBE, WonkHe
21.11.2018, ‘Will this new plan fix the gender gap in UK higher education?’, staff reporter, Study International
21.11.2018, ‘Why are white working class boys underachieveing in our schools?’, Robert Halfon MP, conservativehome
19.11.2018, ‘Education experts call for a take your son into university day’, Sally Weale, The Guardian
14.03.2018, ‘Men can be nursery teachers too’, Chris Hemmings, BBC
09.03.2018, ‘The fight for education doesn’t stop when working-class boys get into university’, Michael Ward, The Conversation
27.02.2018, ‘The lost boys of the North East: Why do the region’s young men trail further behind girls at school?’, Stephen Lambert, Further Education News
20.03.2018, ‘Lads Need Dads: one mum’s mission to save British masculinity’, Martin Daubney, Telegraph Men
15.03.2018, ‘Fears as “invisible” fathers written out of their chidren’s lives’, Stephen Naysmith, The Herald
15.03.2018, ‘Data desert reinforces prejudice over the role of fathers as parents’, Stephen Naysmith, The Herald
11.04.2018, ‘Deaths of UK homeless people more than double in five years’, Patrick Greenfield and Sarah Marsh, The Guardian
[Article includes the statistic: “Around 90% of those who died in the last five years were men, when the gender was provided.”]
Domestic abuse and sexual violence
12.03.2019, ‘Male survivors and victims of abuse deserve their own support system’, Ally Fogg, The Guardian
10.03.2019, ‘Men becoming “increasing victims” of coercive control, legal experts claim’, Gabriella Swerling, Telegraph
07.03.2019, ‘£1m boost for male survivors of domestic abuse’, Nadeem Badshah, The Guardian
19.02.2019, ‘Domestic abuse happens to men too’, Victoria Derbyshire, BBC Two
18.02.2019, ‘I stayed with my abusive girlfriend out of fear she would kill me’, BBC Three
07.05.2018, ‘There was no charity in Manchester dedicated to helping men who had been raped — so I started one’, Beth Abbit, Manchester Evening News
[Feature on Duncan Craig, MBC Trustee and CEO founder of MBC member organisation, Survivors Manchester.]
Masculinity in the media
30.09.2019, ‘Toxic Masculinity, Women & running, Judith Gough UK Ambassador to Sweden’, Woman’s Hour, featuring MBC CEO Dan Bell, presented by Jane Garvey, produced by Caitlin Sneddon, BBC Radio 4
01.03.2019, ‘#OurBoysAsWell: With ‘toxic masculinity’ high on the agenda, are we are now viewing boys as potential perpetrators of sexism and violence?’, Producer: Emma Kingsley, BBC Radio 4
28.02.2018, ‘At last, the ad industry is learning that sexist stereotypes of men don’t sell’, Martin Daubney, Telegraph Men